Retail and e-commerce

Smart retail

Integrate online and offline for a strong retail brand

You sometimes hear that online stores have made retail impersonal. There is some truth to that, because an online customer relationship requires more work. This is not something every retailed can do. Data offers a solution. Because by knowing exactly who your customers are and what they want, you can personalise your offer.

Personal is relevant

Simply going ‘Dear <enter name>, we are thrilled that you have bought a <product> from us’ is not enough. Personalised marketing is all about relevance. In your range, offers and communication. By enriching your existing customer data with public data, you get an even better image of your target audience. For instance, did you know you can figure out exactly at which addresses people with a garden oriented toward the south that are interested in sustainable products live?

Offline retailers can also profit from data. If you know exactly who your target audience is, you can find out what regions they live in. This allows you to make a well thought-out distribution between an online service model, physical locations and smaller service points.

Discover more

International Email Checker

International Email Checker

Target Direct

Target Direct

International Address Checker

International Address Checker

Consumatrix Profile

Consumatrix Profile

International Phone Checker

International Phone Checker

Customer Insight Report

Customer Insight Report

Rody Bottelier

Rody Bottelier

Business Development Manager

Are you interested in the possibilities?

We would like to investigate the possibilities with you. Feel free to contact Rody for more information.